Bachelor Arts in History

  • Duration: 3 Years
  • Department: History


The B.A. (History) programme is a three-year programme aims to produce professional historians who are not only equipped with research, writing and debate skills but also relate historical thinking to topical issues of today such as politics, economics, gender, environment, health, conflicts, national archives, social attitudes, heritage and the broader meaning of national museums.

Objectives of the Programme

At the end of the programme, graduates shall be able to: a.Demonstrate knowledge and skills on the major trends of historical writing in relation to the social political context of a given country and continent. b.Perform comprehensive historical research by writing a history of any organisation/Institution by interpreting its records. c.Interpret and analyse archival files and library records by giving them its broader social-political meaning for a given community.

Career Prospects

a.Entrepreneurial opportunities: Graduates of the B. A. (History) programme can establish entrepreneurial prospects in various areas as consultants for historical, cultural and heritage preservation, historical site consultant, tourism experts, establish travel companies, establish cultural and heritage companies, and tour guide service companies. b.Employment opportunities: Graduates of the programme can consider employment opportunities in heritage institutions, museums, heritage management institutions and organizations, archives and documentation centres, regional and district cultural offices, media houses (historical journalism), ministries and ministerial departments, public institutes, historical sites, and research institutions. They can be employed as historical researchers, historical heritage conservation personnel, historians, educators of history in educational institutions and cultural officers. c.Leadership/Community-based opportunities: Graduates of the programme can also consider leadership roles or community-based roles where they can use their knowledge and skills in cultural and heritage development campaigns, preservation of community historical wealth and be social campaign experts.