Bachelor of Arts in Literature

  • Duration: 3 Years
  • Department: Literature


The B. A. (Literature) programme is a three-year programme that aims at equipping students with literary and critical skills so as to strengthen their writing skills, stimulate their intellectual curiosity, enhance their memory and encourage them to be critical, all of which are important and can contribute immensely to solving these challenges.

Objectives of the Programme

At the end of the programme, graduates shall be able to: a.Demonstrate the highest-level proofreading and analysing literary works in various genres: prose, poetry and drama paying attention to the content of the respective works as well the conventions of the respective genres. b.Develop critical thinking skills as they engage in theoretically based interpretation and analysis of various literary works in classroom and seminar discussions as well as in their writings. c.Demonstrate communication and presentation skills acquired during their classroom discussions and seminar presentations, skills that will enable them to participate in local, regional, and international fora and discussions. d.Creatively develop literary works like prose, poetry or drama from skills acquired in creative writing courses: in addition, the vast amount of literary works that they would have encountered in the program is a great exposure to our students which is significant in developing one’s writing skills.

Career Prospects

a.Entrepreneurial opportunities: Graduates of the programme can establish entrepreneurial prospects in various areas in script writing for drama performances, public speaking events, content creation for social media, oratory performances, consultants for literary works, novelist, creative writing etc. b.Employment opportunities: Graduates of the programme can consider employment opportunities in editorial work and speech writing for public institutions, publishing houses, news agencies, local and international organizations. They can be heritage experts, cultural experts, and publishing agents. c.Leadership/Community-based opportunities: Graduates of the programme can also consider leadership roles or community-based roles where they can use their knowledge and skills in cultural and heritage development campaigns or as social campaign experts and analysts for their communities for their communities.